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Helping small businesses create a marketing machine as easy as 1, 2, 3.

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Elementary (def):
straightforward + uncomplicated

Similar terms: simple, easy.

Hey there, business owner.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed,
just know that
I see you.

I know what it’s like:

  • The exhaustion from juggling the countless tasks required to keep your business afloat.

  • The pressure to make the numbers to keep your doors open and your team employed.

  • The frustration from not knowing how to effectively market your business and feeling like your efforts aren’t working.

  • To be doing ALL the things but still feel like you aren’t doing enough.

The fact is, running a business is hard. It comes with inherent risks, and the emotional roller coaster that comes with the territory leads many to give up. (and trust me, I've been there 🙋)

PLUS, around every corner, one more celebrity entrepreneur claims you can make six figures with their "proven" or "tried and true process"... Go from $0 to 6 figures in six months! Unlock the secrets to rapid financial success with our proven system! 

And to that, I call bull shit.

While it may be valid for a rare few, there is no fast track to success for most of us. Instead, building a business is slow and steady work that requires buckets of resilience and support.

As a fellow small business owner, I understand how overwhelming it all is. When marketing your business effectively, there seem to be a thousand paths to take (Should I be making Tik Toks? How about Google Ads? And what *exactly* is SEO?!). 

With too much to make sense of, we get stuck with Analysis Paralysis and Inconsistent Action as our unhelpful companions. 👯

That's why I love working with entrepreneurs to create a straightforward strategy and repeatable process for marketing their businesses. Because if I can make your marketing easier, more effective (and dare I say, fun?), it's a weight lifted off your chest.

Ready to learn more about this marketing school? 📚

Hi, I’m Emily (she/her).

I used to teach elementary school for 10+ years, and now do small business content marketing.

And listen, if I can teach 7-year-olds to read, then I can teach you how to create a small business marketing plan.

We are all about keeping things dead simple around here. If you’re looking for something fancy & complicated, I’m sorry to say you’re in the wrong place.

Here, we keep marketing strategies on a 3rd-grade level. Because simple & doable beats complex & confusing, every time.

In sacrificing confusion, you gain consistency and a clear strategy that gets better results. More leads, more referrals, and more repeat customers because your people trust you.  

So how do we create a dead simple small business marketing machine?

As promised, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Assess the Foundation. 👷

To kickstart our efforts, we need to gauge our starting point first.

In step 1, we dive into your marketing strategy & determine what's working -- and what's not. Together, we’ll resolve any outstanding issues within your digital platforms to enhance performance moving forward. We identify personalized, strategic next steps to improve your SEO rankings and visibility online.

2. Create Your Building Blocks. 🟧🟨🟪

In this step, we build (or revamp) the foundational pieces of your marketing machine. We develop content pillars, a lead magnet, and a welcome email sequence to guide your sales cycle while nurturing your audience. We craft a cohesive strategy with each piece to power up your marketing and fuel your business growth.

3. Make content and go! 🏁

In step 3, we create and use content across platforms so we get the maximum benefit from our efforts. The marketing framework we build together is a flexible and living system, able to adapt to your business’s needs as you grow and progress.

By regularly analyzing data and KPIs, we can optimize your content for the best results.

Values Matter. These are Mine.

  • Honesty + Transparency

    Feeling misled is one of the worst things, amiright?! As a business owner and an individual, honesty + transparency are immensely important to me. I incorporate these values in my communication and how I structure my business processes.

    It’s amazing how many misunderstandings, time-consuming conversations, and wasted efforts can be avoided with an honest approach. That’s why I love working with others who value the same.

  • Authentic Connection

    Entrepreneurship can be a long and lonely road. I value working with people who I can create a long-lasting connection with, where we spur one another on and win together.

    I like spending time with real people where we can come as we are, messy bun and all. Life is hard enough –let’s ease its burden by genuinely supporting one another as we navigate through it.

  • People Over Profit

    My goal is to serve people and contribute to making the world better –not just make money.

    My business puts people first, and I strive to contribute to a marketplace that is more compassionate and socially responsible.

    I only work with companies that are ethical in their processes and cause no harm to the earth, animals, or the human spirit – that value inclusivity and diversity because they know we’re better together.

Small Business Marketing Portfolio


Let’s connect on social.

For content tips, AI tricks, and entrepreneur encouragement – follow along and interact with us on the ‘gram and Linkedin! 📸

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